Thursday, July 12, 2012


I haven't posted in quite some time....

My last post I mentioned that we were going to start TTC again. Well, on our 3rd cycle we got pregnant! I found out about two weeks later that it was actually triplets! We were thrilled but scared as hell. I got a cerclage placed at 12w1d. At 13w3d, I was put in the hospital. I was bleeding and they had to remove my cerclage. There was so much pressure being put on it from gigantic clots, that if the didn't remove the stitch, my cervix would have torn. I was in the hospital for 16 days and ended up having Max, Angel and Manuel at noon on February 5, 2012 at 15w3d. Today I would be exactly 38 weeks pregnant, but I know that I never would have made it that far. I was hoping to make it to 28 weeks. I miss them. I miss Adrianna. I wonder if one day I will ever become a mommy to a living child?

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry your little Adrianna isn't here and I wish you were travelling back and forth from NICU and caring for your triplets. Life is so hard.
