Friday, August 19, 2011

Decisions, Decisions

The title says it all. I'm not sure how to know whether or not the right decisions are being made. What Dr. do I see? Are we ready to start trying? Do we tell people? What kind of cerclage should I get? Should I wait until after surgery?
How do I know the decision I'm making is the best one? The truth is, I don't think that there is a right answer. I guess I have to trust my heart and do what I THINK is right. Well, I got the go ahead to start trying to conceive again! I went to my RE to see if I can start Provera and low and behold, I ovulated ON MY OWN! If you knew anything about my body, you would know that a miracle happened! I don't know of any time in my life that I ovulated without help of medication. Because of this, I cannot take Provera. Whenever my period shows up (which should be in the next week), I'll be able to have a baseline appointment and start my injections. I just can't believe it. It's hard to believe that we have to start all over again. As much as I love and miss Adrianna, I really want to be a parent to a live baby. I do not feel guilty about wanting a baby, and I'm sure she understands. There hasn't been a few minutes that passed that I haven't thought of her, and I'm sure I'll think of her every single day for the rest of my life! I can only hope that any subsequent babies are as beautiful as her!
I'll be having surgery on Monday for my torn ligaments in my ankle. I'm a little nervous about the surgery as the last time I was at a hospital, I delivered and lost by baby girl. I will be having surgery at the hospital I was SUPPOSED to deliver her at in the next 6 weeks. I've always dreamt of having my babies there, and I was born there, but now it will never happen. I'll always have to deliver at a high risk hospital with a top-notch NICU. Let's just hope I never have to use it!