Friday, October 12, 2012

Catching up

I thought that by creating posts earlier and saving as drafts that they would show the original date. Well, our transfer was actually 8/5. We are currently 12w3d pregnant with a singleton!  So far everything is looking great and my closet is already full of baby clothes!

Friday, October 5, 2012

The Big Day

Today we transferred 2 4AB embryos into our GC. How exciting! We were told that they look beautiful. We will start POAS next Sunday, but the official test is the 16th.

First and Hopefully Only Cycle

7/16 CD 1 and baseline appointment. Got the OK to start stims on Wednesday! I will be taking 300iu Follistim and 150iu Menopur. I will also be taking 120 of Lovenox to prevent clotting, as I got a blood clot in my leg when I was on bedrest with the triplets.
7/18 was in a car accident, put on 800 Ibuprofen, so I'm unable to start Lovenox, but I can take everything else.
7/20 3rd stay of stims and add Lovenox!
7/21 First monitoring appointment. e2 is 118 and only 4 follicles. The nurse has assured me that this is OK as it is still early. With my e2 having gone up so much, I AM responding and more follicles will show on Tuesday when I go back. I sure hope so!


Shortly after we had our triplets, DH and I decided surrogacy was probably our best option. There is no way we could ever go through losing another one, and only so much that my body could handle. My friend has offered a few times to be our surrogate and it's time to take her up on her offer! We consulted with our RE at the end of February, and was told that we should take her up on her offer. In the beginning of February, we asked her, and she accepted! After multiple appointments, physicals, clearance letters, psych evaluations, contracts prepared, we are ready to go!

Thursday, July 12, 2012


I haven't posted in quite some time....

My last post I mentioned that we were going to start TTC again. Well, on our 3rd cycle we got pregnant! I found out about two weeks later that it was actually triplets! We were thrilled but scared as hell. I got a cerclage placed at 12w1d. At 13w3d, I was put in the hospital. I was bleeding and they had to remove my cerclage. There was so much pressure being put on it from gigantic clots, that if the didn't remove the stitch, my cervix would have torn. I was in the hospital for 16 days and ended up having Max, Angel and Manuel at noon on February 5, 2012 at 15w3d. Today I would be exactly 38 weeks pregnant, but I know that I never would have made it that far. I was hoping to make it to 28 weeks. I miss them. I miss Adrianna. I wonder if one day I will ever become a mommy to a living child?